Pet Moon Jellyfish For Sale
Pet Moon Jellyfish For Sale
Pet Moon Jellyfish For Sale

Moon Jellyfish

Regular price $55.00 $55.00 Sale

Aurelia coerulea

-Captive Bred

A clear, round jellyfish, with four long oral arm tentacles. Exhibits calm pulsing movements in the aquarium. When colored light is shined upon these jellyfish, they take on the color of that light. Moon jellyfish are characterized by the four stomachs in the center of their bell, resembling a four-leaf clover. The jellyfish are easy to keep and make a good starter jellyfish.

There are roughly 20 species of moon jellyfish found all over the world. We have worked with several strains and species to find the most suitable moon jellyfish for home aquariums. This particular species can be kept in waters ranging from 65° F to 77° F. This means they will happily live in the widest range of home aquaria. Ultimately, we recommend keeping your Moon Jellies at room temperature, so that no chiller or heater is required. 

Bred in captivity to produce the highest quality of happy, disease free jellyfish. Our Moon Jellies are hardy and accept a wide range of foods. Our Moon Jellyfish have no noticeable sting.


Small: 1.5”

Medium: 2”

Large: 3”

If you have never ordered live jellyfish before, please review how our shipping system works. How Shipping Works 


Quick Care Stats 

Natural Habitat Found in tropical and temperate waters around the world
Care Level Beginner, hardy and resilient
Salinity 1.023 SG
Temperature 60-77 F, room temperature is ideal
Recommended Aquarium

Orbit 20, Neo 4 & 16 , Omni 9 & 15, Medusa Desktop

Main Diet  JellyFuel
Optional Diet "snacks" Baby Brine Shrimp 
Sting Minimal to none
Life Span 2-4 years
Special Requirements N/A
Compatibility Should only be kept with other Moon Jellies


All orders of live jellyfish will be shipped with our $38 priority flat rate service. Size is approximate. Jellies are measured in diameter from tip to tip.